Waterhouse Home

This home is for a young family.


Compact and efficient it was built on the smell of an oily rag. (the owners don't have electric cars). It takes courage to ignore the usual trappings of traditional building material supply lines in New Zealand when building a home for your young family. (And having never built a home before either!)

Strong contacts in China and the purchase of a new CNC machine, then guidance from a great and tolerant carpentry team, this home grew from the land like a healthy crop of hops. The owner built doors, windows, stairs, kitchen, furniture, light fittings etc for bedrooms, himself, all learning as he went.

Wenge lined plywood inside and out, bespoke aluminium Rain water heads, outrageous interior doors and a stainless steel shower to boot makes living a dream in this home.

It is a little bit of Taihape ‘railway housing’ in Leamington.

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